R v Frampton (Peter James)

[2012] EWCA Crim 2697 | [2012] 11 WLUK 610
Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) before Hallett LJ, SImon J and Judge Jacobs.
21 November 2012

Richard appeared for the applicant, who was the chairman of a waste water company. He was applying for leave to appeal against conviction for depositing substances or articles in UK waters without a licence, contrary to the Food and Environmental Protection Act 1985. He was also applying, in the alternative, for leave to appeal against sentence. The appeal against sentence was allowed in part, and the original order for payment of prosecution costs of £44,159 was reduced to £25,000.


The Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry


R (Agchemaccess) v. HM Inspector of Health and Safety [2012]