How to instruct us

Mayfair Place Chambers streamlines the process of instructing counsel, arranging conferences, scheduling hearings, and timely billing. It does so through the use of LawPage’s state-of-the-art software and with the assistance of LawPage’s consultant Practice Manager, Sorcha Duncan.

For initial enquiries as to counsel’s expertise, availability and fees, please contact Sorcha Duncan at or at +44 (0) 203 205 7138. Once instructed, solicitors and those assisting them email counsel directly in order to provide papers and instructions, book conferences, and receive or provide notifications of hearings. Counsel’s calendar is immediately updated on receipt of court listings, conference invitations and Teams meetings sent directly to their email address. At the point of instruction, solicitors are invited to provide dates or periods for their preferred billing schedule; additionally fee notes are provided within 24 hours of any request.

Our Location

We practise from Mayfair Place Chambers at One Mayfair Place, London, W1J 8AJ. In addition to meeting room facilities to enable client conferences, mediations and secure participation in virtual court hearings, the chambers also has access to worldwide annex facilities. 

We greatly prefer receiving only electronic documentation, but hard copy papers can be sent securely to our chambers address

Our Services

The legal services most commonly provided by barristers at Mayfair Place Chambers are advisory and advocacy services. The areas of practice in which Mayfair Place Chambers most commonly provides legal services are: Health & Safety, Environmental Enforcement Law, Professional Discipline, Inquests and Inquiries, Criminal Law, Financial Regulation & Fraud, Healthcare Regulatory Law, Corporate and Gross Negligence Manslaughter.

Further details can be found on the profiles of individual members. 

Who Can Instruct Us  

We do not accept direct access instructions or provide legal advice directly to lay clients and only accepts instructions from: an Authorised Person in England and Wales; a foreign lawyer; a Licensed Access client. In short, we accept instructions from a UK or international solicitor/lawyer in independent private practice or in-house legal department or a professional body/organisation/individual satisfying the Licensed Access criteria).


We have a transparent and commercial approach to fees and would be happy to discuss the most suitable fee structure for your case. Typical fee structures, depending on the type of case and the work required, include hourly rates and fixed fees / brief fees and refreshers. Initial contact is through the Practice Manager, or at +44 (0) 203 205 7138.

Contractual Terms

Instructions to members of Mayfair Place Chambers, unless otherwise agreed, will be accepted under the terms set out in our terms of business, which largely adopt (subject to some minor modification) the 'Standard Contractual Terms for the Supply of Legal Services by Barristers to Authorised Persons'. A full copy of "Terms of Business" is available here.

Members of Mayfair Place Chambers are happy to discuss and negotiate terms of engagement, whether based on the terms mentioned above in general use or tailor-made for a specific piece of work. Please direct any enquiries to the Practice Manager. 


We are used to working to tight deadlines, however timescales for completion of instructions may vary depending on a number of factors, including the type and complexity of the case, the stage the case has reached, the court or tribunal availability (should the instruction involve a hearing/s) and may also be affected by barristers’ availability, and any relevant third-party availability also. 

Our Operating System

LawPage Services Limited (“LawPage”) provides Mayfair Place Chambers with a state of the art IT platform to enable barristers to have total autonomy over their practice. LawPage’s system fully integrates the Microsoft 365 suite of tools and has been developed to manage both case and client data to ensure barristers can meet their professional and legal obligations, keeping data secure throughout.

Our Aim 

Mayfair Place Chambers aims to provide the very highest quality of service, from both the members of chambers and the administrative staff. If you should have any concerns about an administrative or other matter concerning Mayfair Place Chambers, please raise them with Sorcha Duncan, our Practice Manager or Richard Matthews KC, our Head of Chambers. You can access our Complaints policy here


We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. As a chambers, we collect, use and are responsible for personal information (data) about our clients and our privacy notice contains information about how we approach this.

Equality and Diversity 

Mayfair Place is dedicated to actively promoting a safe and respectful environment to work in while ensuring equality of opportunity regardless of age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, political views, disability, and marital status. This applies to all movements within Chambers including the conduct towards all individuals in tenure and visitors on the premises, as well as any recruitment processes. 

Equality and Diversity Data 

If you would like a copy of our Equality and Diversity Policy please contact our Practice Manager above. 

Mayfair Place Chambers is committed to ensuring that our building and facilities are accessible to all. This includes providing literature and information in different formats to suit your needs.