R. (Natural England) v. Day

[2014] EWCA Crim 2683 [2015] 1 Cr. App. R. (S.) 53; [2015] Env. L.R. 15 Lord Thomas ( Lord Chief Justice ), Openshaw and Lang JJ
December 2014

Environmental prosecution by Natural England in which Richard Matthews KC acted for the appellant (but not in the court below) following conviction in respect of the felling of 43 trees in an area containing a Site of Special Scientific Interest without an authorisation and the consequent imposition of a £450,000 fine and a sum of costs of approximately £457,000.

The appeal concerned legal arguments regarding causation and the appropriate test in law.

The Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales described how Richard Matthews KC had. “conducted the appeal with his customary skill and learning’.


Corporate manslaughter – sentencing a small company


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