Corporate manslaughter – sentencing a small company

[2015] All ER (D) 292 (Mar) [2015] Lexis Citation 38Macduff J2015

Richard Matthews KC appeared for the first defendant company, P Ltd, which was was convicted following a trial of corporate manslaughter of one of its employees, who had died after becoming trapped in an industrial oven. It was further convicted of offences under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, along with the second defendant director, M. In sentencing, the judge expressed his intention to that the penalty should bite against the director shareholders whilst at the same time ensuring that the company was preserved for the benefit of its employees. The judge imposed a fine of £200,000 on P Ltd.


R (on the application of Southwark London Borough Council) v London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority


R. (Natural England) v. Day